Hugh Boyde
Musician and music teacher
Guitar, mandolin and ukulele
Scroll down for current musical work, projects and activities
Astute Music

I have written and contributed to a number of repertoire books for mandolin learners and players (published by Astute Music). Find my books on Astute The Astute Music series for mandolin was started by…
Online tuition

Online tuition can be a great option for pupils who live further away, or who would rather not brave the heavy evening traffic in and around Cambridge to get to my place. I have…
Teaching in schools

I have worked as a peripatetic music teacher in primary and secondary schools for nearly thirty years – including a stint as Head of Guitar at Cambridgeshire Music. Although this is no longer my…
The Moonlight Mandolin Orchestra

Cambridge’s own mandolin orchestra is about 20-strong, featuring mandolins, mandolas, guitars and bass. We perform regularly in and around Cambridge and I am proud to be Musical Director, conducting and rehearsing the group and…
Shakey Breaks The Ice

“Guaranteed to begin your beguine!” Shakey Breaks The Ice is an instrumental trio featuring Trevor Barlow (clarinet and sax), Bert Santilly (accordion) and Hugh Boyde (guitar). We play swing jazz, mixed with French cafe…
Beginner books for ukulele and guitar

My tutor books for young beginners, called “Rainbow Guitar” and “Rainbow Ukulele“, use a colour-string system to help young pupils learn the instrument at a gentle pace, while learning to read music confidently and…
Teaching at home

If you live within striking distance and are able to get to Impington, Cambs, then I do teach at home as well, so by all means contact me to find out if I have…
Three Strings Attached

This new course is the result of a project to find the perfect beginner instrument. Below is a short video to explain the concept. https://youtu.be/9ZgSti-vG-s We mostly use small classical guitars, adapted and restrung…
Solo performing

My various instruments (plectrum guitar, mandolin, ukulele and tenor guitar) are all acoustic and all lend themselves to performing Jazz Age material from the 1920s and 30s. I love this music, and enjoy recreating…
MTB Mandolin Syllabus

MTB (which stands for the Music Teachers’ Board) now offers a fully accredited, OfQUAL recognised syllabus of grade exams for mandolin, from Grades 1 to 8 with 2 pre-grade tests. I was project manager…
YouTube performances

This channel https://www.youtube.com/@hughboyde has a wide selection of clips of me performing, including many of my own arrangements. There are playlists for plectrum guitar, mandolin, and ukulele as well as some more exotic instruments…